Линейка винтовых компрессоров Harrison, представленная на российском рынке, включает около 150 моделей, что позволяет подобрать оптимальные решения по обеспечению сжатым воздухом любого производства: от небольшого автосервиса до мощного промышленного комплекса.
The screw compressors line Harrison on the Russian market includes approximately 150 models and can meet the needs of any production, from a small garage car service with about 100 gallons = 500 l/min performance to a large production premise with a performance higher than 22000 gallons = 100 000 l/min.
The screw compressors line consists of the model range:
- The Screw air compressors with belt drive with performance from 120 gallons = 550 l/min to 3000 gallons = 13 000 l/min and compressed air pressure from 8 to 12 bar. Belt design compressors allow reducing overall size of block but belt drive is not practical to use for performance of more than 3300 gallons = 15 000 l/min.
- The Screw air compressors with direct drive with performance from 120 gallons = 550 l/min to 12000 gallons = 55 000 l/min and compressed air pressure from 8 to 13 bar. This design is recognized as General industrial and allows providing around the clock demand for compressed air in any production facilities.
- The refrigeration dryer — used to prepare air for certain stages of production processes. As example, painting where the presence of moisture and silicones is unacceptable. This line allows choosing a model for any performance and pressure of the compressor.
- Receivers with capacity from 300-2000 liters. It is a tank for storing air reserves which allow the compressors to operate in a less demanding regime.
- Highlight of our model range – it is monoblock design of compressors 2 in 1 (compressor and receiver) and 3 in 1 (compressor, receiver and dryer). This line involves models with performance from 120 gallons = 550 l/min to 500 gallons 2300 l/min and output pressure 8-12 bar. The configuration of compressors allows using your workspace as efficiently as possible and is suitable for productions with limited space.
- I would also like to note that in the assortment of the Harrison company you can find expendable items such as filter elements, oil, repair parts.
I would like to point that all equipment goes through two stages of verification, namely: — random check of lots of high- loaded nodes, such us screw pair. Measurements are made on high- precision 5-coordinate tables. — test run of each position for failure and pressure testing.
Официальным представителем Harrison в России является ООО «Технологии Промышленного Сервиса». Компания осуществляет комплексное сопровождение и поддержку проектов по внедрению компрессорного оборудования Harrison на предприятиях, обеспечивает гарантийное и пост-гарантийное обслуживание.